All posts by Dave

LBKR, Dev Report #8

I’ve spent most of my dev-time the past week with work on maps for the upcoming (new) chapters of LBKR and some more planning on what the crap’s supposed to happen’ in said chapters.

As you can see on the screenshots there will be more outdoor-ish maps than what we’ve seen in the first five chapters, I’m planning on having the map layouts randomized for these aswell though, unlike the “void”-maps accessible through the “Curious Organ” consumable dropped by the Void Walker. However, I also plan on having the player descend a cave system that lead down to a hive built by the “Forsaken” monsters.

I modified the UI slightly, item tooltips are less transparent to prevent other UI windows to bleed through and hopefully make them easier to read.
And while speaking of tooltips, weapon tooltips now display the weapon’s Armor Penetration rating, some item icons have been updated (like the icon for the Crowbar, that earlier was just a weird-as-shit-orange-stick) and all ability tooltips have been completely rewritten. More clear info of the ability’s properties and bonuses are now printed, I’ve also begun adding different font colors to mark down “important” information in the tooltips.

A new item will be introduced in the next version of LBKR, called “Property Modifier”, it will only be possible to get by crafting it (or as a mission reward) and will modify an item of your choice’s properties randomly (Each property may either be decreased or improved, independent of eachother). I’m planning on adding another Modifier item that will improve an item of your choice’s properties however, this item will be more expensive to craft.

Furthermore a weapon’s Armor Penetration rating is now part of the procedural item generation, opposed to the earlier way it was handled, that each weapon had a pre-defined AP value. The AP value will be determined by weapon type, if it’s one or two handed and also the condition of the weapon. (Each equipable item has a condition-parameter during it’s generation, ranging from lvl1(Damaged) – lvl5(Excellent). The parameter will modify the item’s properties depending on set condition level.)
And that’s pretty much it for this week, I’ve also managed to fix a few bugs from previous version(s) but none as interesting or vital to bring up right now! 🙂

2.25f1 release

A bug that prevented new players from creating and/or loading a new profile from the game’s main menu re-appeared in 2.25 so I’m stressing out this fix that will solve the issue! Sorry for the inconvenience!

LBKR, Dev Report #7

So what’s up?
For the moment I’ve added all missions I had currently planned for them game, except for one mission that will unlock another player character, but I don’t want to add it until I’ve had time to add the character… and I’m still tweaking the new Forsaken-class so it might be a while before I’ve had this new mission done.
Anyways, there are already some changes I’ve managed to make for the upcoming v2.26 so let’s go through them.

Reflective Water Shader

If you’ve played the game with reflective water toggled on you have probably noticed that there were alot of glitches if particle effects were emitting particles above, or below the water surface, and also it (seemingly random) generated waves, a behaviour I don’t want since most areas in the game ( for now ) are interiors.
I’ve replaced the previously used water shader with Unity’s default water shader, apart from beeing alot cheaper, regarding the memory, it also appear to generate less visual artifacts.
Furthermore I’ve begun changing stuff in the procedural item generator, still have alot to do but for now I’ve added Weapon’s Attack Rating (ie. Weapon Handling) buff to the generation procedure, the weapon’s attack speed is now modified aswell, determined by a randomized state- also attack speed and damage modifiers now cooperate faster attack speeds will reduce the weapon’s damage and vice verca.

Game World

Some new world chunks have been added, along with 2 new random arena’s.
6 new world chunks for ch5 Bridge
3 new world chunks for ch3:1 Armory (Sub-chapter)
1 new world chunk for ch4 Crew Quarters

One of the arenas is called “Corrupted Vessel” and exist in Chapter 1 through 5 (Ch4:1 Tram Network is excluded). This is a special arena that have a chance to drop exquisite items, and the items dropped vary between each chapter so discovering each of the corrupted vessel could be rewarding.

So finally, alot of physics-related optimizations have been done in all maps, and I also noticed that alot of the shock-tile traps in the game dealt wrong elemental damage type, so I’ve sorted that out aswell.
Oh by the way, I’m for the moment working on new chapters for the main story line!
I had actually planned not to do so, but I wanted to introduce the Forsaken monsters in the main story line aswell, since they for the moment only appear in hidden maps. I’ve taken another approach on the map design this time though, alot of the maps will take place outdoor or inside caves and such places, the map layout will still be randomized but I’m not sure yet if I can get it fully as randomized as in the already existing chapters, since Unity’s terrain system weren’t really compatible with the way I deploy world chunks in the scene…

I’m sure it’ll work out somehow though, after all, I won’t be able to finish these new chapters for some time and until the release of them I’ld be surprised if I haven’t managed to figure something out!

Don’t forget to follow LBKR on Twitter @CrumblinGames and on IndieDB for more development news regarding the game!