Solotility Release

Publishing another version of Solotility, I did some massive changes to the Node Editor ( previously called Mindmap editor ). It’s no longer only functional for mind maps, I implemented some basic math operations to allow users to test value scaling and planning, also new “dialogue nodes” have been added to allow for creating dialogue-trees. A few other updates have been added aswell. Full update log can be read below. As usual, the application can be downloaded from here.

Now I really have to focus on Demox for some time… it’s difficult sometimes though since I’ve found it to be really fun working on Solotility! 😛 Update Log

  • Implemented new Editor Tag that creates a text marker, pressing the marker label in the Table of Contents box will select the line of the marker in the work item’s content writer.
  • Redesigned Node Editor node behaviours, and implemented new node types ( Nodes are created through the context menu, by right-clicking the grid-view )
    • Text Node //Simple single-line text node
    • Dialogue Node //Multi-line text node
    • Value Node //Holds a value used in combination with math-mod, value or math-op nodes
    • Result Node //Displays the result of math-mod, value or math-op nodes
    • Subtract Modifier //Subtracts one or more values from the first assigned value node
    • Division Modifier //Divides one or more values by the first assigned value node
    • Multiplication Modifier //Multiplies one or more values by the first assigned value node
    • Power of 2 Modifier //Outputs the assigned value node’s value in power by two
    • Sqr Root Modifier //Outputs the square root of the assigned value node
    • Cosine Function //Cosine function taking the assigned value node’s value
    • Sine Function //Sine function taking the assigned value node’s value
    • Tangent Function //Tangent function taking the assigned value node’s value

( NOTE! Node maps created in earlier versions of Solotility will not be loaded properly due to the massive changes done to the node editor in )


  • Re-designed listed Item Link and Item Tag elements in the item editors
  • Item Editor and Node Editor now have a field with small buttons on the right that categorise the toolbox, should make the toolbox more manageable
  • Removed deprecated help-rect in the Welcome Screen window
  • Disposed deprecated resources
  • Mindmap editor is now renamed to Node Editor
  • Improved Node Editor design
  • Node Editor grid view can now be moved by holding the middle mouse button while draging the mouse
  • Node Editor grid view can be zoomed in and out by using the mouse wheel
  • Added tooltips for the Node Editor
  • Node Editor now save Build ID properly for work items
  • Added a Node Outliner to Node Editor that show all value nodes inserted in the current work item
  • When pressing the “Rename Build ID” button in the Build ID Manager window the selected Build ID will be filled in to the text area


  • Fixed issue that caused the Node Editor to set up invalid node transitions, this was caused by node indices not beeing updated when removing one of the nodes in the grid view.
  • Fixed issue with Item tag and Item link elements not adjusting their width properly when switching screen mode from windowed to fullscreen
  • Build Manager dialog now properly cancel any ongoing “New Build” or “Rename Build” operation when closed mid-op.
  • Fixed issue that caused the item editor to save multiple changes to the history log when no changes were made in the Item Editor but an item was saved.
  • Fixed issue with item templates assigning deprecated dates when creating new items.
  • Interim Creator dialog now keep the Build ID list updated.
  • Fixed issue with the Build Manager setting all existing Build groups to “Active” after passing the selected Build ID

Solotility v0.2.4.4 Release

A new version of the Solution Organizer Utility has been released, unusually many new features, updates and fixes- but it was about time! You can read the release log below, to download the version have a look at the Downloads page! Update Log


  • Added setting to allow the user to hide interim goals from the goal list if the goal was accomplished/reached
  • Now possible to recover auto-saved versions of a project from the File> menu
  • Added new setting to toggle the auto-save feature on and off.
  • Now possible to drag most of the application’s windows by holding the arrow-button at the top-right corner of the window.
  • Modified how project history manager function aswell as related settings.
  • Added a history button inside the Item Editor window that will open a list of all changes made to the loaded work item.
  • Added controls to rename the selected Build ID in the Build Manager window.


  • Added tooltips
  • Changed Highlight color of buttons for better readability.
  • Changed name of the history log to “Solution History” in the ‘Window’ menu to avoid confusion with the new Item History function.
  • Build ID’s can no longer be removed if the selected ID is the last remaining in the database.


  • Fixed issue with Build ID naming conflict when adding new ID’s to the database
  • Project Overview no longer display progression value with decimals.
  • Fixed issue with Build Manager resetting the “track ID” state whenever the Build Manager is re-opened.
  • Log Message box in the Item Editor now clear any previous input when appearing on screen.
  • Fixed an issue that enabled the user to create a new catalog on the same hierarchy level as the “Dashboard” catalog. The new catalog would be visible in the Solution Outliner, but the database could not save the node as it’s not intended behaviour.

Solotility 0.1.34 Release

I’ve just published a new version of the Solution Organizer Utility with a few new features, some changes made to the dashboard UI and some bugs from previous versions were fixed.

As usual you can download the Solotility installer from here. Full update log can be read below! Update Log

Features –

– Now possible to filter what builds to include in the database statistics widget
– Implemented a Build Manager that allow the user to get an overview of available builds, aswell as remove, close and create new build id’s

Updates –

– New items are now assigned to the most recent Build ID added to the solution
– Item Messages are now expandable to show full description
– Solution history viewer is now accessed throught the “Window” menu

– Updated dashboard layout
– Interim Goal UI controls slightly modified

Fixed –

– Fixed issue with DB Statistics widget reducing ‘open item’ stack too much when changing an item’s state from “Inactive” to “Closed”
– Fixed issue with the item tag list in the Item Editor dialog appending tags with deprecated format to items.

Solotility 0.1.23 Release

I noticed some awkward issues in Solotility after publishing the previous version, fixed them as fast as I could- new version ( is available here. Update Log

Updates –
Reduced the size of the Comment Writer
Reduced size of the Interime Goal control

Fixed –
-Fixed issue with image list not updating when adding new images to an item
-Fixed issue with Item Link list scaling horizontally, completely destroying the Item Editor, making it near impossible to use