Solotility Release

I’ve done a number of updates and fixes to the Solotility app again, releasing v0.3.10.6 today!

As usual the application can be downloaded from the Files page, and below is a full release log. Update Log

- Updates -

– Grid can now be toggled from the Node Editor window.
– Updated design of Node Comments
– Added new items “Property Block” that can be attached to work items, holding properties that can be collected from the Node Editor
– Nodemap controls behaviour improved
– Now possible to lock nodes in the node editor from further manipulation
– New Node types: Min / Max A-B
– Two new outliner styles available Solotility node tree, and Explorer
– New Node: Get ( gets the value from a register-node )
– New Node: Register ( register a value to a – property name )
– Unreferenced images in the Image Cache can be cleaned up from Edit/Solution/Cleanup Unreferenced Images
– Node Comments can now be removed in the Node Editor
– Reduced empty space on the dashboard.

- Fixed -

– Fixed multiple issues with the Image Viewer Dialog selection and Item Editor image list
Fixed issue with Random Value node showing wrong result
– Link Manager no longer show items already linked to the active work item
– Removed help-button in the Link Manager’s search field since it was obsolete
– NodeComments: Fixed issue with “//” beeing added each time the item is loaded.
– Fixed location misalignment issue with Recent Changes fold controls
– Fixed issue with items created from a template not appearing in the item list due to missing Build ID and state
– Fixed issue with the Work Item List beeing offset on top of the catalog outliner when changing to windowed-mode in
some screen resolutions.

Solotility Release

A new version of Solotility is now available for download, and as usual, some annoying bugs have been fixed, design and behaviour improvements implemented etc. Update Log

//Features –

>> Now possible to set text color with a color selection menu in the Item Editor.

//Updates –

>> Changed order of Build ID displayed in the Build ID Handler, ID’s are now sorted by date created.
>> Application now show the name of the catalog currently browsed by the user
>> History log now show if content of an item was modified by the user.
>> Improved data management of the History Log.
>> Fixed flickering graphics in the Node Editor.
>> Grid in the Node Editor is now offset when moving the view.

//Fixed –

>> Solution Outliner no longer auto-hide if the context menu is visible
>> Improved behaviour of auto-hiding toolbars on the dashboard
>> Fixed issue with Table-of-Content tags not beeing hidden in the Item Editor
>> Build ID Manager no longer migrate Obsolete or Deprecated items between builds when passed.
>> Build ID Manager now assign a new Default State if possible when the previous default one was passed
>> Normalize Node in the Node Editor now use proper Modifier-type color
>> Sorted out a memory leak in the Node Editor

Solotility Release

Did some improvements for Solotility, available in the new version, which you can download from here.

New text style tag for coloring. Update Log

Features –

  • Now possible to have the dashboard toolbox folds auto-hide when not in focus.
  • Added a new toolbox fold for the dashboard: Index
  • Added new editor style tag “rgb” to specify text color, using RGB values 0-255.
  • Improved style-tag hiding in the text editor

Updates –

  • Now possible to cache all images appended to items to prevent data loss
  • Updated the UI of the Task Creator dialog
  • Added new node to the Node map Editor, “Normalize”
  • Moved setting “Hide completed Interim Goals” to the “Software Settings” tab
  • Removed widget-system since it felt quirky
  • Now possible to move the main application window when running in windowed mode
  • Toolbox and Outliner folds are now toggled, allowing only one of the two to be open at the time
  • Added a new folded toolbox to the dashboard called “Index”. It lists all item tags and build ID’s in your solution. Selecting an ID or tag loads all relevant items to the Work Item List
  • Improved generated path for Node Editor transition curves
  • Node Editor Input/Output nodes are now highlit when mouse is hovering above them

Fixed –

  • Fixed issue with “Validate Action Dialog” placing it’s information outside the text box bounds
  • Fixed issue with the Task Creator Dialog not properly selecting a catalog when opened.
  • Build ID Manager will no longer be able to display negative values when passing a Build manually
  • Fixed issue with Build ID’s not refreshing their appearance when assigning a new ID as “Default Build”
  • Fixed issue with Build ID Manager not refreshing the active/closed stats

Solotility Release

Finished developing a new build of Solotility. Made some updates to the UI and data management among other things. Full update log can be found to the right. To download Solotility, check out the Files page. Update Log

  • Now possible to hide “passed” build ID’s from all lists in the editor windows.
  • Added user settings to the Options dialog that allow you to control the color of node labels in the Node Editor
  • New options to clear all items of specific states, accessible by pressing Edit>Clean-up Solution> in the top menu strip of the Dashboard.
  • Improve search field in the Item Link Manager dialog.
  • Search Widget will now match item names aswell, and not just item tags.
  • Search Widget is no longer case sensitive
  • Redesigned the drag-form button to make it act more conventional
  • Made some optimizations for database management
  • Now possible to chose which Build ID should be the “Default” one selected when creating new items.
  • Removed drag-form button from the Node Editor dialog.
  • If the Item Editor is opened in maximized mode the drag-button will be hidden.
  • Created new node types, “Sigma” and “Product” nodes and the “Random Value Node”
  • Increased width of the Project Overview dialog, when a scrollbar was visible in the interim list only 1 interim control fit per row.
  • Comments can now be added to any node in the Node Editor.
  • Added Help documentation
  • New toolbox fold panel in main window
  • Moved Solution Outliner to a new “outliner”-fold panel in main window
  • Fixed issue with the Item Editor not resetting all Fold-icons to default non-checked state
  • Fixed issue that locked the ‘Edit Content’ button of the Item Editor if it was closed without saving, while in edit-mode.
  • Fixed issue with Output Log messages not beeing properly appended to items when closed.