Solotility Release
Did some improvements for Solotility, available in the new version, which you can download from here.
Improved node transition curves New UI for the Task Creator dialog Index toolbox, new ways to browse your solution Update Log
Features –
- Now possible to have the dashboard toolbox folds auto-hide when not in focus.
- Added a new toolbox fold for the dashboard: Index
- Added new editor style tag “rgb” to specify text color, using RGB values 0-255.
- Improved style-tag hiding in the text editor
Updates –
- Now possible to cache all images appended to items to prevent data loss
- Updated the UI of the Task Creator dialog
- Added new node to the Node map Editor, “Normalize”
- Moved setting “Hide completed Interim Goals” to the “Software Settings” tab
- Removed widget-system since it felt quirky
- Now possible to move the main application window when running in windowed mode
- Toolbox and Outliner folds are now toggled, allowing only one of the two to be open at the time
- Added a new folded toolbox to the dashboard called “Index”. It lists all item tags and build ID’s in your solution. Selecting an ID or tag loads all relevant items to the Work Item List
- Improved generated path for Node Editor transition curves
- Node Editor Input/Output nodes are now highlit when mouse is hovering above them
Fixed –
- Fixed issue with “Validate Action Dialog” placing it’s information outside the text box bounds
- Fixed issue with the Task Creator Dialog not properly selecting a catalog when opened.
- Build ID Manager will no longer be able to display negative values when passing a Build manually
- Fixed issue with Build ID’s not refreshing their appearance when assigning a new ID as “Default Build”
- Fixed issue with Build ID Manager not refreshing the active/closed stats
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